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Biblical Finance - Registration Spring 2025

At ChangePoint we believe that both stewardship and a Biblical foundation for understanding finances are an important area for learning and growth for every follower of Christ. Biblical Finance is a class that teaches Biblical principles about finances. This six week class focuses on: Giving, Saving, Getting Out of Debt, Budgeting, Retirement, and Basic Investing. Join us on Sunday night. Worship begins at 5:40PM and Class starts at 6:00PM. For more information, contact Rick Steele, ricks@changepointalaska.com, (907) 646-4879. CPBI
Biblical Institute Registration
Sunday, March 23, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
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Raspberry Campus
6689 Changepoint Dr
Anchorage, AK 99518-1578
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This is a 6 week class that starts on March 16 and ends on April 27. We will NOT meet on April 20th (Easter Sunday). We will meet in the Worship Suite. Take the East elevator to the 2nd floor, and the room is directly in front of you. The cost for this class is $45.